Annalee Davis
Collection Total:
3597 Items
Last Updated:
Sep 7, 2017
1st Bienal de Pintura del Caribe y Centroamerica
Galerie de Arte Moderna
4ta Trienal Poli / Grafica de San Juan America Latina y el Caribe
Gerardo Mosquera
10b Bienal Habana: Integracion y resistencia en la era global
20a Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo
20a Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo
21a Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo
22. Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo (12 Outubro a 11 Dezembro 1994). Salas Especiais (Vol. 3).
Edemar (Presidente). Cid Ferreira
23a Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo, 5 de octubre - 8 de diciembre 1996
Fundacao Bienal de Sao Paulo
All non- Biennale Shows Venezia 2009
Arte, sociedad, reflexion: Quinta Bienal de La Habana, mayo 1994
Bermuda National Gallery: Bacardi Limited Biennial 2010 Exhibition of Contemporary Bermudan Art
Bermuda National Gallery
La Biennale di Venezia: 46. esposizione internazionale d'arte
Biennials and Beyond: Exhibitions that Made Art History: 1962-2002
Bruce Altshuler The most comprehensive reference book on the exhibitions that have changed contemporary art history.
Dak'Art 2008: Afrique: Miroir - Senegal 9 May - June 9
El Museo's Bienal The (S)Files 2002 The Selected Files
El Museo del Barrio, Curator Deborah Cullen
Integracion y Resistencia en la Era Global: Evento Teorico Decima Bienal de la Habana
Making Worlds: 53rd International Art Exhibition: La Biennale di Venezia
Daniel Birnbaum Like the most recent exhibitions curated by Daniel Birnbaum, the Art Biennale 2009 will present worlds in the making. A work of art is more than an object, he says, more than a commodity. It represents a vision of the world, and, if taken seriously, it can be seen as a way of world-making. It is Birnbaum’s ambition to create a show that, although articulated into individual zones of intensity, remains fundamentally a unique exhibition.
Manifesta 10
Ekaterina Andreeva, Helmut Draxler, Ekaterina Degot, Kasper Konig The State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg was selected to host Manifesta 10 because of its intellectual and historical relationship with Eastern and Western Europe—a principle that is also central to Manifesta, as the single roving European biennial. Over 50 artists were invited by editor Kasper König to illustrate their sections in the catalogue.
Prome Encuentro Bienal De Arte Contemporaneo Del Caribe Aruba 2011-2012
Jose Manuel Nocceda Fernandez
Shifting Gravity
Ute Meta Bauer, Hou Hanru The rapidly expanding activities in contemporary art and the rising number of biennials established in Asia during the last two decades have had significant implications for the construction of contemporary art history. How can we undo the teleologies of Eurocentric modernity? The essays in this volume discuss this topic.
Trade routes: History and geography : 2nd Johannesburg Biennale 1997
Various Authors, Okwui Enwezor, Artistic Director A catalogue of all works displayed at the Johannesburg Biennale of 1997.
XII Bienal de San juan